Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekend Anticipation

I'm excited for this weekend!
The to-do list includes: going to the new X-Men movie, trip to the pool, grocery shopping, having the missionaries over for dinner, evening walk to the Lincoln Memorial, first attempt at making homemade wheat bread, going to the National Archives (hopefully we have better luck this weekend), and shopping at Pottery Barn (thanks to my mother-in-law sending us an entirely too generous gift card!), and as always exploring new areas.

Last night Steve & I stumbled across an area in Arlington called Clarendon.
It was incredibly charming.
Beautiful shops, architecture and landscaping.
The restaurants were adorable with the cutest patio dining.
And there were so many people out, especially for 10pm on a Thursday!
Although parking is a joke (and never free), I love the bustle of people everywhere we go.

This city is beginning to feel like home -
The Potomac is beautiful (at night) and sunsets here rival most I've ever seen.
The Capitol, monuments and memorials are stunning when lit up in the evenings,
and the character of the restaurants and town homes is incredible.
And it helps that the people here are very friendly and courteous.
Sounds cheesy, but I realize how proud to be an American I am
as I pass the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery on my way to work every day,
or as we walk Constitution and Independence Ave in the district,
or think about the history behind the universities and buildings in the area.
I can't think of a better second home.
We are so excited for the visitors already planning to come this summer,
and hope more will make plans to come as well!


  1. Jordan and I would also like to come and visit. I think that we are going to try and go to NY, so why not stop by!!! Love you!

  2. I love this post! Sounds amazing!!!
