Tuesday, November 9, 2010

She/He learned that...

The election has been over for a week now. It has been amazing! We have slept in, cooked meals at home, gone to the gym, watched movies and spent time together at home! Although it was a long road starting over a year ago, the last five months have been especially busy. As crazy as it was we both have learned so much about ourselves, each other and our relationship. It was definitely a good experience to prepare us both for our move to washington d.c. in the spring!

1. She learned that media never sleeps.... literally.
2. She learned that her husband is extremely talented and skilled in his career choice.
3. She learned that her husband is very ambitious and after this experience, will go to washington d.c. with a resume line unlike anything else.
4. She learned that she will survive being the wife of a politico.
5. She learned that traveling to and from Salt Lake with someone is much more fun.
6. She learned that she is very good at taking care of a perma-stressed husband, even on those days that he says, "I don't want to talk about my day."
7. She learned that ironing 3-5 dress shirts a week isn't all that bad.
8. She learned that her husband does not like to lose,
especially in politics.
9. She learned that her husband, no matter how busy he is, always puts her first.
10. She learned that her husband is the hardest worker in the world:)

1. He learned that sometimes campaign offices aren't the most luxurious spaces.
2. He learned that politics and stress make you gain weight.
3. He learned that freshly painted lawn signs smell like a baby's dirty diaper.
4. He learned that it is possible for man and laptop to fuse into one sentient being.
5. He learned that there are more adverbs than any single person could ever possibly use to describe anything.
6. He learned that sleep is for suckers.
7. He learned the value of copying and pasting when answering constituent emails.
8. He learned that most people do not know how to write very well.
9. He learned that being a professional isn't that bad after all.
10. He learned that he has a very patient and loving wife.

Steve & I in the elevator on our way to the election party!

Most of the Granato for U.S. Senate Staff.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

love taylor swift's new album.

Two posts in one day?!? I guess that's what happens when you have layovers and want to take advantage of the free airport WiFi. My time in California with my sister was so fun. Love her, can't get enough of her (photos of that to come). But thought I'd post some photos that I finally downloaded to my computer.
(For anyone who cares, Granato gained 6 more points in polls today, which is huge, really huge... just 124 hours left. But who's counting?)
I just want a husband that has time to take me to Secretariat & dinner next week :)

We took a drive up through Gardsman's Pass a few weeks ago with Mckay & Brooke on our way to Sunday dinner in Salt Lake. This is what I am going to miss most when we move...
I love fall in Utah!

Mia's wedding a few weeks ago!

clear eyes, full hearts

I watched the season premiere last night... think this season is going to be a good one... (too bad it's the last)
This show reminds me of the summer Steve & I got married. We watched the first three seasons in one month. We both fell in love with the show, and especially the theme song. You should see the way Steve dances around when this song comes on...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It was time for a Blog Facelift.

It has been a crazy month for Steve & I! Lately we've been up to:

My two best friends weddings
Sam Granato for US Senate campaign. Delivering signs, attending debates.
BYU football games.
Trying new fall recipes, loving ginger snaps right now!
Waaaay too many car troubles.
Trips to the movie theather. We saw The Social Network and Wall Street. Both amazing.
Bowling league with Preston & Lindsay.
Utilizing my friend Brett's connections at the Apple Store as our iPhones both broke!
Trips to the gym.
Teaching Sunday School & Relief Society.
Enjoying the beautiful fall weather in Provo, sad to think this is our last fall in Utah!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Somtimes Saturdays are the only day Steve and I spend more than 2 waking hours at our apartment (one hour in the morning, one hour at night, not kidding). So Saturday mornings are what I look forward to all week. I decided to take tonight off of work so we have ALL DAY TOGETHER! Started early with grocery shopping this morning, and will continue with cleaning, laundry, lunch with friends, quilting, the BYU homecoming football game this afternoon. I'm making a very fall and festive dinner for some friends tonight then either a movie or corn maze this evening.

I'm just so excited, I had to share my day with the blogging world...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September update so far

My favorite month of the year is September. Love. Love Love everything about it!
Lance and all the other "old men" came to town over Labor Day weekend for the first BYU home game of the year!
It was a fun time, as always!

We also took a spur-of-the-moment trip to Wendover with some friends at 11pm one night, returning back to Provo the next morning at 8am. It was hilarious! We are definitely going to miss our friends here in Provo when we move in the spring!
Here we are at McDonalds at 4:30am.

This past Thursday my best friend from high school got married! I'm so happy for Margaret & Jordan! The sealing was amazing and it was fun to see all my high school friends at the reception! Isn't her dress so amazing?Photobucket

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

who's your favorite dealer???? MICHAEL

A few weeks ago some friends went to Vegas. We met the best black jack dealer in Vegas. After a spontaneous trip to Wendover this weekend we decided that Michael really is the nicest dealer ever... I thought I'd post this picture for all our friends. They will appreciate it!
I realize this is a terrible picture, but give me a break, I secretly took it in a casino. Don't send me to jail.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

baby blessing, tickling steve & lady gaga

Steve and I went to North Carolina a few weeks ago for baby Kimball's baby blessing. It was fun to spend time with the little girls and Jason and Heather! We went out to eat, went to the children's museum, made lots of crafts, and tickled uncle steve! The girls LOVED the last one :)
We went to Cabo Fish Tacos for Steve. He saw this place on the food network 5 months ago and has been dying to go there ever since. He loved the tacos! I'm sure it's a place we will frequent when we live in Washington DC and go down to Charlotte to see the family often :)


A few weeks later we went to Las Vegas with some friends! Steve & I went to Lady Gaga on Friday night, then met up with friends after! Saturday was spent swimming, shopping, eating out, going to a Cirque Soleil show and playing black jack! We had so much fun with all of our friends!! We can't wait to go on another trip with friends!

Lady Gaga was awesome! Quite the performer. The 11 costume changes were amazing too!
This was taken on Fremont street, near our hotel (and the ghetto casino we played black jack at)Photobucket
All the girls thought it was hilarious the boys were coordinating on Saturday! I think they planned it...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Family Photos

Steve & I got some photos taken last month because
a] all we have are engagements and and wedding photos from over a year ago
b] i'm hoping to send out christmas cards this year and what's a christmas card without a photo!

I absolutely love how they turned out! We used Jordi (our wedding photographer) and it was so much fun to see her again

Hope you are all having a great week! We just got back from North Carolina, and gearing up for a crazy two weeks of work before going to Las Vegas with some friends soon!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

summer fun

An photo update of what we've been up to lately....

Stadium of Fire on the 4th - Carrie Underwood was amazing, but still no JoBros like last year :)

Ben Folds with the Utah Symphony up at Deer Valley


We happened to run into these two at the show, who were celebrating their 1st anniversary...

Pioneer Day REAL Salt Lake game with these friends, always a fun time :) Ben was distracted.

In the meantime, I'm still trying to convince Steve that Ryan Seacrest is not gay, and actually back together with his old girlfriend.
This is a daily debate in our house...
(man, that guy knows how to wear a suit).

Steve is still working so hard. I could not be more proud of him! His latest accomplishment, the campaign prospectus! (This needed to be documented, one of many prospectus packets he will write for future candidates, I'm sure). Just this morning I called Steve at at 8:30am making sure he made it to work in Salt Lake OK and he said he was already tired, the poor guy! I guess he is right when he says that "media never sleeps" ;(
Although we are both always working, we still find time to go to have fun this summer!!
(even if it is at campaign BBQs...)

Monday, July 19, 2010

making me happy monday

I read a blog where every monday they do a "making me happy monday" post. I love the idea so have decided to start it myself. I always find Monday's to be the most reflective day of my week as it is the start of a new one. Nothing can brighten up the beginning to another [long] week by being thankful for what I've been blessed with!

I have the most amazing older sister ever. I've mentioned her on here before, but seriously I can not say enough about her. Abbie is always the most thoughtful person. Even though her husband is in his first year of residency for medical school and works more than I ever thought humanly possible, and she has two little girls at home, yet she is so positive, uplifting, and has the best perspective about life. I call her almost everyday because I always find myself in a better mood, and my day to go a little better after I talk to her about anything and everything. Now, I just wish I lived closer to her so I could visit more often!
(excuse my hair, this was earlier this summer during my anti-doing-my-hair stage!
Glad I got over that one really quick!)

Also, due to the fact I go through shoes so dang fast at work I am always on the look out for cute, closed toed flats. I found these this past week and already know they were a perfect summer purchase! Another thing to add to my "making me happy monday" list.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

my friend named cameron...

A few weeks ago I happened to be on gchat while one of my best friends from high school was on. Cameron & I haven't been super close since he got home from his mission two years ago. But you would have never known. We picked up right where we left off, and even though he's spending his summer in Nepal our conversation turned into an insightful one that reminded me as to why I always loved our friendship. He's got a humble heart and one of the best friends I've had over the years.

These are some of Cameron's pictures from his adventures so far...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

date: september 9th

This girl is engaged! I am so excited! Her fiance is the greatest guy & she is one of the most amazing girls I know! I haven't stopped smiling for the last 12 hours:)


And being a graphic designer, I am very excited to see her invitations.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

and update as of late

The pierce household has been crazy lately. Between Steve starting more than full-time at the campaign (it's pretty much around the clock), still working at BYU, me still working a whole lot at Lugano Restaurant and our church callings we have definitely had to adjust our schedules and I've learned to appreciate the few hours of time we have together each day.

I still have photos to blog about from our trips to Arizona, Idaho and Las Vegas during the month of June but for now I thought I'd upload the most recent random photos from my iPhone.

When I was playing with with my sister's little girls a few weeks ago my sister laughed and said if I flash forward 10 years this is what it'll be like....

Uncle Mckay & Tienna at a baseball game in Arizona. It was a late night! :(

Tienna loves to wrestle. Hilarious.

One night in Arizona Steve, Mckay & I babysat the girls. We took Tienna to the park and put together this puzzle. I was very impressed with how well she knows her numbers!

While we were in Las Vegas a few weeks ago Steve was so fascinated with the water show!

Hope you all have fun plans for this holiday weekend! I think Steve is going to be pretty busy with the campaign so I decided to take time off work and join him for the festivities! I am certainly excited to spend a lot of time with him this weekend!

Monday, June 21, 2010

One Year

Steve & I celebrated our one year anniversary on Saturday! Looking back over the past year I've learned so much about being married, as well as myself. Although we don't have a perfect relationship by any means, we would certainly agree that we are heading in the right direction and find ourselves falling more in love everyday! All weekend we were talking about how it's crazy that is has already been a year since we got married! This past year has certainly flown by! I feel like just yesterday was June 19, 2009. We both remember so many details from the week we got married like it was yesterday, and luckily Steve (being much better at this than I am) has written a lot of those memories down over the past year. It was fun to reflect back on this past year together this weekend, and a definite plus to spend more than an hour together each day all weekend long!:)
Here's to many years and adventures to come! I'm excited to see where life takes us!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

quote to live by

i've noticed this quote all over the blogging world this week so i thought i'd pass it along! a simple remind for everyone, no matter what stage in life we are at! it especially speaks to me as steve & i are going on one year of marriage now :) and making our plans for the future. it's not a matter of what i want to do, but a matter of what is best for us as a family! i wish i could find this in print somewhere so i could hang it in our house!

Monday, June 7, 2010

the best friends.

Steve & I are so blessed to have the best friends here in Provo. Steve and his close friends from Texas all came to BYU together freshman year. That fall we immediately all became best friends. Times have since changed, and although I'm the only girl still around from the freshman "JARRR/Texas" group luckily all the boys have met and married amazing girls! It has been fun over the past few years to watch most (Ben, Jake...still waiting:)...) of these boys meet girls, date them, and then be in attendance at their weddings, all since ours last June! With a few additions along the way we now have such a great group of friends that we love to spend time with!

A few months ago a few of us girls thought a "wives club" was needed, just so we could have excuses such as craft nights, nights out for dinner, and other girls nights to get together and chat. Every once in a while we bring our husbands along for frozen yogurt runs, game nights, dinner up the canyon, BBQs, etc. but no matter what it always ends up all the girls talking together, and the guys off doing something else! I have loved getting to know these girls better, and I'm already dreading the move to Washington, D.C. next spring knowing that we're going to be leaving all our best friends behind!

Memorial Day weekend Grant & Callie hosted a BBQ at their house!
We missed Holly & Justin because they were in Idaho!

Monday, May 31, 2010

always a good laugh

Unfortunately Steve & I don't live close to any of our nieces and nephews so of course we take advantage of the time we do get to spend together when it comes along! (More myself than Steve, I think so many little girls intimidate him, he sticks to the little boys). Anyway, my sister Abbie, and soon-to-be-medical-school-graduate brother-in-law, Josh (an early congratulations to him!) came up to Utah for a few weeks after he finished his rotations and before graduation to spend time with the families.

Highlight of the trip (besides spending time with you Josh, of course) was Tienna.
She's at that hilariously funny age where everything that comes out of her mouth has a "what did she just say?" response.

A few examples.

Steve & I decided to take Tienna on a movie date one night while they were here. We picked her up, goodie bag in hand, and went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" and get ice cream. One the way out of the house while we were putting our shoes on she said,
"I totally like your shoes Aunt Jessie." We all laughed.

The next best was every time she'd get close and see my necklace Steve gave me for my birthday she'd say
"Oooh Aunt Jessie, that's such a beautiful necklace! Who gave that to you?"

On the third bathroom trip of the evening during the movie night we walked into the handicap stall to go potty and she looked around,
seemed very disoriented and said, "Wow! This stall is ginormous!"

To hear her very advanced vocabulary and frequent corrections on "Uncle Steve is handsome, not beautiful, boys are handsome, girls are beautiful", etc. is always so hysterical!

Until Steve & I have kids of our own (might be a while) I am going to continually dote over Madelin, Halle, Meagan, Tienna, Zoe & Kiara,
Dane & the other little boy coming this summer because kids are so hilarious and adorable!

Pictures of Kiara - 3 weeks old
Tienna decided she needed a turn too :)