Thursday, July 1, 2010

and update as of late

The pierce household has been crazy lately. Between Steve starting more than full-time at the campaign (it's pretty much around the clock), still working at BYU, me still working a whole lot at Lugano Restaurant and our church callings we have definitely had to adjust our schedules and I've learned to appreciate the few hours of time we have together each day.

I still have photos to blog about from our trips to Arizona, Idaho and Las Vegas during the month of June but for now I thought I'd upload the most recent random photos from my iPhone.

When I was playing with with my sister's little girls a few weeks ago my sister laughed and said if I flash forward 10 years this is what it'll be like....

Uncle Mckay & Tienna at a baseball game in Arizona. It was a late night! :(

Tienna loves to wrestle. Hilarious.

One night in Arizona Steve, Mckay & I babysat the girls. We took Tienna to the park and put together this puzzle. I was very impressed with how well she knows her numbers!

While we were in Las Vegas a few weeks ago Steve was so fascinated with the water show!

Hope you all have fun plans for this holiday weekend! I think Steve is going to be pretty busy with the campaign so I decided to take time off work and join him for the festivities! I am certainly excited to spend a lot of time with him this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. So I'm realizing Tienna looks more than a little crazy in all of these pictures .... never noticed how accustomed to the crazy hair I am! Miss you guys!
