Tuesday, September 29, 2009

weekend update.

The past few weeks Lugano Restaurant has been slow so I haven't felt bad taking a few weekend nights off.

A few weeks ago we went to the Isaac Russell, formerly known as RuRu, Columbia Records signing party here in Provo at Velour. Yes that is right, the real Columbia Records, the same Columbia that Jason, Taylor and Abbie used to do those scheming CD club memberships with. Isaac is now 17 years old, and would be starting his senior year at Timpanogos High school except for now he has private tutors to keep him up-to-date while traveling all over the place as he finalizes the finishing touches on his newly recorded album, and is preparing to begin touring with John Mayer in February. I guess you get your own private tutors when you sign a 6-album contract with Columbia, or when it is very possible you will become the next Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or Leonard Cohen. I hope he does well, #1: because he is amazing (listen to him here) and #2: because then I will know a famous person before he is famous. Oh and #3: he is going to be touring with John Mayer, I still can't get over that. (If you don't already follow John Mayer on twitter you might want to start immediately...)

In other news, Steve & I ventured up Provo Canyon last weekend, more specifically up by Sundance to check out the amazingly beautiful fall leaves (before the dreaded snow comes... tomorrow I hear). The highlight of the adventure was when Steve blazed his own trail into the woods. When it was all said and done, it was a fun time :) except for that my camera battery died too early!

1 comment:

  1. How cool you know a star! :)
    The leaves look BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the fall.
    We sure miss you two.
