Tuesday, October 27, 2009

he was born october 23, 1919

This past Friday night, Steve & I joined the Moffat side of the family in Salt Lake for Grandpa Moffat's 90th (SURPRISE) birthday party! You know it is going to be an event when you gather most of the 42 cousins and their spouses, as well as the aunts and uncles together! The past few months have been hard on grandpa due to everything that has been going on with my grandma, so it was fun to surprise him and show him how much he means to the family. I just love my grandpa, and feel fortunate to have the fun memories that I do of him. He has a great memory and an even better sense of humor, so it always makes for interesting stories. Whether it be his stories about how he won all the gold medals at the first summer Olympics ever (in both the men's and women's events) then later during his years as a dentist he melted all the gold medals down to make fillings for his patients, or him telling me that the number of nose hairs you have shows how wise you are (yes, he has a lot of nose hairs). Even though Steve still thinks he doesn't know his name (hence, he always calls him "son"), we enjoy the time we have to spend with him in his old age!
Grandma didn't want to look at the camera.

We missed you, Heather!!
It is always fun to go to family events to see Rachel!

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